1. So I love this. A lot. I love the reminder that He is here, so much closer than we think. Thanks for sharing 🙂
    “I look around, eyes wide open, and discover You are here.
    Not where I expected You to be. Not over there where I thought I should be.
    Here. Close. So close we share our breath.
    You in Your awesome power and me wrapped up in all my smallness.”

    1. Sometimes it’s so easy to forget. We all need a reminder. Sometimes we make decisions that make us feel far away from God, yet He never leaves us. My husband always says “No matter how many steps away from God you take it’s always only one step back.”

  2. “So close we share our breath” – love that line.
    This is so personal, and yet I can relate, I can feel the fear and the turning.

    Thanks for sharing! 🙂

  3. this works! The 8 month old was here today and “me wrapped up in all my smallness” brought him to mind as I read this- he gets so close and tucked in sometimes I feel the warmth of his breath as he is turned into the crook of my neck. that’s the image I will take away from this- I am that child- I want to be tucked in close to Him to be within His embrace. N

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