1. “Oh how I sometimes forget what’s real in this life between.This stuff that happens between my once upon a time and the happily ever after I’m so certain of…I know it can’t be found in my reality…
    It must be found in His.”

    May you find comfort in the in between and always remember that whatever your current reality is, HE will get you through. He is real and true and always with you on this road of life.

    Blessings to you!

    1. Thank you so much for your kind and encouraging words- like the breath of life. He will get me through is a promise I’m clinging too. And that He’ll work everything for my good. I’m good about trusting at the beginning and the end, it’s in the middle of it that I start to doubt. That’s what I’m working on this year. Thank you for blessing me today with your thoughts. Have a great weekend!

  2. Reality can’t be found in our perception, how true. My own perceptions is often changing as well and like you am finding it to be a day to day thing. Bringing all my hopes, fears, insecurities to Him, and let Him filter through what’s truth and what’s not. Thanks for linking up at TheGypsyMama, that’s how I found you!

  3. God’s filter is certainly better than mine. Sometimes I get so caught up in the mess of my emotions that I lose sight of the fact that there is a plan here somewhere. Often times trusting Him to sort it out must be a deliberate act of my will. Trust, trust, trust. I can do this, right!?! I’m off to find you back. 😉

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